Saturday, July 16, 2011

Your Own Sandwich

In a local sandwich shoppe that I visit once in a while, waitresses enter sandwich orders into a computer. Sometimes sandwiches from the menu need to be customized a little (actually sometimes a lot). This takes a little extra time, of course. However, for several regular customers who unswervingly order the same customized sandwich on every visit, the manager has entered that particular sandwich to the computer and named the sandwich after that customer.

Now although most people will never enjoy the pride of having a sandwich named after them, it seems to be a general need for people to frequent places and hang out with people whom they are familiar with. Familiarity is comfortable.

Familiarity is a key to the successful use of web 2.0 tools. Initially, just being comfortable with how to use the tool starts the journey to success. However, if a user stops there, he is probably cheating himself out of a great deal of what the tool has to offer. To gain the rest of what the tool has to offer, spend time getting to know the personality of some of the others frequent visitors and experiment with leaving a little of yourself behind so others can learn about your personality.

Web 2.0 offers us the opportunity to be people.

So be.

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