Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An iPad for Everyone: Is the iPad ready for 1:1?

The blog "An iPad for Everyone: Is the iPad ready for 1:1?" found here wonders whether the new Apple iPad is appropriate for educators. Given institutions that have run with the device the blogger presents the benefits to using an iPad in a classroom setting include the following:
  • Long battery life - enough to power students throughout the entire day;
  • No OS boot time and no need for peripherals;
  • Many applications or apps to use.
The blogger states that the "iPad is going to change the way we think of computing in schools."


  1. I'll have to read this post in detail. I agree with your comments about changing the way we think with the use of newer technologies.

  2. I liked how you hyperlinked to the article. You must be a blog reader from way back
