Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Road to H-E-double hockey sticks is paved with,,,,

ideas like these! Ugh!  I am amazed that now web 2.0 tools that allow educators to engage students in academic studies are being made illegal because they are viewed as tools that allow predatory teachers to victimize students.  People, and I don't call them teachers, who do this are sick, need help, and certainly have no place in the realm of education... but I digress!  Why is the solution to take away potent tools and resources from teachers who are "teaching them well" or stripping the shy student of tools that enable them to interact with adults in an easier manner?  I think Missouri needs to take a second glance at these tools being used appropriately before they put the kabosh to the lot of them!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! There are probably many other tools that could serve the same awful purpose to the same awful people who want to use it in that way. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water!
