Friday, September 17, 2010

Where for art thou Romeo Web 2.0??

I want to create the most exciting and riveting Romeo and Juliet Moodle site, that incorporates a few of the best Web 2.0 tools for collaboration. I am finding that the information I want to use, is primarily to help them build anticipation, find resources, and gain background information. A lot of the materials I have from other teachers and from publisher's teacher resources, is pencil and paper activities. Ultimately, I feel I need to re-create some of these and/or make them collaborative via Google Docs, or forums. This project is a bit more difficult than I imagined. I need to keep it simple for my students sake, but I need to elaborate on it for the projects sake. It continues to be a work in progress. My other concern is, we are not starting this novel until the second term. Therefore, I am not going to have student feedback. @Jeff, can you remind me if that is necessary?

1 comment:

  1. I finally began a project with two of my Learning Support English groups. My students are collaborating with Google Presentation. They are each creating 2 slides for our weekly vocabulary. They need to include the word, definition, part of speech, an image, video, or sound file, and hyperlinks. How is it going??? Well...I think I had my expectations set somewhat high for today. I kept encouraging them to experiment with layout, color, design, etc. However, I am not seeing too much of that yet. They did seem to enjoy working on the project though. In a few weeks I am going to have them work on one word with a partner in addition to their two. I stressed to them today that they will not have a lot of class time to do these, that it is also homework. My students struggle with homework completion, so I am curious to see. We are told to set the bar higher and teach at the instructional level. My students can do this, it is just whether or not they choose to do this.

    I am starting my student blog sites next week. They will be blogging as part of their independent reading project. They have to journal at least 4 times, and they have to have at least 10 images on their blog with a description of how it relates to their book. Again...they can do this, but will they choose too.
