Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 5 Reflections

Traditional education is facing a major "disruptive innovation" called personalized learning and education is going to be hit by a huge wave and washed up on the beach if we don't change the way we do business! I enjoyed this video and now realize through each video clip, presentation, blog or discussion in class, that school 1. is not good enough. Not to sustain us and our students in the 21st century. Why would we want to settle for good enough? I am feeling frustration with not quite knowing how this is all going to play out and how I can play a role in the obvious transformation that needs to happen. I will remain optimistic and enthusiastic for my students and do my best to incorporate as many new web 2. tools as possible into my classroom.

Appreciated the attention given to policies and digital citizenship. Devoting time to deciphering policy information, interpreting laws and discussing copyright and fair use was important, since teachers need a code of best practices to follow to help them do their job and be as effective as possible. I learned that copyright laws have nothing to do with protecting the creator and have everything to do with promoting creativity. Interesting and informative presentation from IU12, using Ellumination and Skype.

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